Who We Help
We help ensure accredited CE content is independent of commercial influence, valid and objective, and that non-accredited CE and patient/consumer health education is fair and balanced.
To that end, we work with healthcare professional education providers who have adopted the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education (Standards). We have conducted reviews by and for healthcare professionals - including but not limited to physicians, physician associates, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, dentists, dental hygienists, radiologists, dietitians, physical therapists, psychologists, behavioral health therapists and social workers - in all specialties and sub-specialties.
Patient/consumer health educators were among our very first clients; we continue to work with them today to validate public information is accurate, fair and balanced education.
Beyond educators, we work with commercial supporters to verify live activities are presented in compliance with current regulatory standards, guidelines, and ethics codes, and grant reconciliations adhere to the terms of the grant agreement.
While we are deeply rooted in healthcare education, our collaborative process has proven effective for other professional development programs, as well. Most CE/CPD programs can benefit from independent peer review of content for required education criteria. We will work with any profession to enhance content development.
No client - or job - is too big or too small!
Accredited Providers
Accredited providers of health professional continuing education (CE) turn to us for the most comprehensive and highest quality evaluations in the industry to validate content prior to distribution or verify live activities at point of delivery.
Providers of Non-certified and Consumer Health Education
​Providers of independent education and consumer health education hire us to validate their content is independent of commercial influence, fair and balanced prior to distribution.
Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Companies
Commercial supporters enlist our services to monitor live CE events (on-site and on-line) they support and when they need to audit financials for grant accountability. CE-PR verifies consistency with the grant request, compliance with regulatory standards and codes of ethics for certified CE, independent education and consumer health education..